An Update on Ankyloglossia and Other Oral Ties
An Update on Ankyloglossia and Other Oral Ties
Soroush Zaghi, MD, Jonathan Walsh, MD, and Richard Baxter, DDS
February 11th 2023
7 CE
This collaborative CE course will bring together medical and dental providers to understand the diagnosis of ankyloglossia, recommendations, and treatments to provide the best and safest care for our patients.
Royal Park Hotel
600 East University Drive, Rochester, MI, USA
Tongue ties remain controversial. It seems everywhere you turn, parents and professionals are
discussing, concerned, and asking questions about tongue and lip ties. With so many opinions,
objections, and success stories, it is difficult to know if, and when, surgical intervention is appropriate.
However, there is a lack of consensus in the literature on diagnosis and treatment. This collaborative
CE course will bring together medical and dental providers to understand the diagnosis of
ankyloglossia, recommendations, and treatments to provide the best and safest care for our patients.