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Fall Meeting 2023

Oral Diagnosis in the Pediatric and Adolescent Patient: From A to Z

Dr. Juan Yepes

September 23rd 2023


Oral Diagnosis in the Pediatric and Adolescent Patient: From A to Z

Dentist Chairs

Amway Grand Plaza Hotel

Amway Grand Plaza Hotel, Monroe Avenue Northwest, Grand Rapids, MI, USA

This seminar will provide the attendee the most updated information about oral diagnosis in the pediatric and adolescent patient. Oral diagnosis includes common soft tissue lesions and common radiographic lesions that the practitioner will encounter in a busy pediatric dentistry practice. The seminar will use case-presentation as the learning and discussion format and will cover the entire spectrum of oral diagnosis in pediatric dentistry. Topics such as soft tissue lesions in newborn, children and adolescents, radiographic interpretation and common radiographic lesions in children will be covered in this seminar.

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